One moment...
Hair loss is a problem that affects on average men aged between 20 and 40 years old but, with the evolution of the times, the changes climatic conditions and daily stress, this phenomenon is growing sharply and in recent years it has also had a dramatic increase in women!
Autologous monobulbar transplant is the last frontier of trichology.
In the vast majority of men, hair loss, linked to the action of a derivative of testosterone, DHEA takes place in very similar ways starting from the temples and the vertex, almost invariably sparing the crown and the nape. Since the hair bulbs of the nape are not sensitive to the action of testosterone, lost bulbs on the temples and forehead can be replaced with these. The patient is therefore at the same time donor and recipient, without any problem of rejection or engraftment of the hair which in the new location does not they just don't fall off, but grow back naturally.
Since monobulbar transplant surgery sessions, even if longer and tiring, do not require incisions and stitches, they do not cause scars and make much better from an aesthetic point of view than the old island techniques. Furthermore, only a few days after the operation, the patient can return without any medication to his life and to his own activity.
Remedying this phenomenon is no longer as impossible as it used to be, there are different methods to prevent hair loss but above all, now there is the possibility of getting your hair back!
After years experience, we are able to recommend the best technological solution for your needs.
Opening: 9.00-18.00 Lun-Ven
Sede legale: via Gallura 11/a, 07100, Sassari
REA: 155375 - P.IVA 02193310907
+39 334 3677593Numero verde
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